What is the Question?

42 is the answer but We seem to have forgotten the question. 

Once upon a time, we knew nothing and questioned everything. 

This kept us alive, helped us to grow, helped us evolve our bodies and brains into the “advanced” human species we’ve become today. But have you noticed somewhere along the way we forgot to keep physically evolving? 

We finally figured out how to communicate what we’d learned, and then somehow in learning how to teach, we forgot how to learn. 

Rules were created to keep us safe and schools were created to teach us what we “knew”, and at the beginning of the evolution of our society structure this was especially important because teaching allowed us to expand our society and learn from our mistakes to keep us even safer.

Except we didn’t. 

The more we learned and communicated with our heads, the less we listened and explored with our hearts. 

The more educated we became the easier it has been to be mentally lazy.

The more mentally lazy we become the easier it is to be controlled. 

The more we are controlled, the longer we stay asleep, the easier it is to fall prey to fear. 

Fear is a necessary part of our evolution because it is the instinct that helps us discern good from bad, healthy from unhealthy, safe from unsafe. 

But what if that fear is being manipulated against us? What if we’ve been trained to believe that what is safe is unsafe, what is bad is good? 

We need communication to be able to evolve, to stand on the shoulders of giants rather than reinventing the wheel. 

But we need curiosity to keep evolution going. 

We must remember And we must question. 

We have every bit of information that’s ever been discovered at our fingertips and we can use it to wake us up or to push us back to sleep. 

What we learn can make us more afraid or help us to choose more love. 

It’s our choice to get educated on what we want, when we want, how we want. 

Breadcrumb trails lead us to more of what we love, social networks bring our mutual weirdness together so we experience even more learning, even more safety. 
We are in a time where everything and anything is possible for our species and what we do with it is entirely dependent on what we’re willing to ask, accept and embrace. 

There was a time where he who controlled the education controlled the power. 

But with the library of the world in the palm of our hands, they can no longer burn our books, and We control the power. 

This is the next stage of evolution. 

If The answer is 42, let the questions begin now. 


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