Ascended Spirit Collective Journal

The Power of Journaling: Transform Your Mind, Body, and Spirit grounding journaling release Nov 08, 2024

In today’s fast-paced world, journaling is a timeless practice that offers a multitude of benefits for the mind, body, and spirit. While it might seem as simple as putting pen to paper, journaling can be a deeply transformative habit. From improving mental clarity to promoting emotional release ...

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Why Tracking the Moon Phases Matters: Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Life full moon rituals Nov 08, 2024

Tracking the moon phases is an ancient practice that has carried over to modern times for good reason. For centuries, many cultures have closely followed the moon’s rhythm, aligning their lives, rituals, and even farming with the lunar cycle. Today, people from all walks of life are rediscovering th...

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Why Did We Hide Our Light? awakening choose love hiding lightworker lightworkers spiritual evolution Jan 28, 2024

Because to share it with the wrong people hurt.

For centuries lightworkers have been coming to this planet, aiming to guide, hoping to inspire.

And for centuries they’ve been killing us for it.

Whether Nailing us to a cross, Locking us away in darkness like Nelson Mandella, or burning us at the s...

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Full Moon Rituals full moon rituals Jan 26, 2024

Full moons have an incredible impact on our lives.

Even for the least spiritually aware, the effects are noticeable in tides, gardening and of course the “full moon crazies” that occur in every hospital and police precinct over the course of a full moon.

On the path of Spiritual Awakening, the ful...

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What On Earth is Grounding? energy featured grounding release the art of flow Jan 24, 2024

What on Earth is grounding and more importantly how do I do it?

Grounding is the process of bringing the spiritual into the physical.

It is taking the energy we’re connecting with and filling ourselves on the inside and transferring that through us to the outside in the same way any electromagneti...

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What is the Question? education evolution what is the question? Feb 03, 2019

42 is the answer but We seem to have forgotten the question. 

Once upon a time, we knew nothing and questioned everything. 

This kept us alive, helped us to grow, helped us evolve our bodies and brains into the “advanced” human species we’ve become today. But have you noticed somewhere along the w...

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The Art of Flow featured lightworker love the art of flow Feb 03, 2019

Flow is an overrated concept until you know how to do it properly.

So many people use the concept of flow as a way of avoiding responsibility for creating and influencing their physical reality.

It is a way of escaping into the spiritual world at the expense of living a full human experience.


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What If education evolution lightworker what if Feb 03, 2019

What if?

The filter of our thinking changes everything about the reality we experience.

If we look through a lens of fear, then we see all things as danger. If we look through a lens of love, than all things are tools to help others.

The perspective of our questions also changes everything about ...

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We Are The Lightworkers - Welcome choose love lightworkers welcome Feb 01, 2019

I am starting this site before I feel ready, and yet as with all good missions, I've always known I'm ready now.

Now is not just the perfect time, it is the only time this was possible.

I'm starting this as I begin the upward ascension of my journey, and I'm doing this now,  to share with you and ...

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