Why Did We Hide Our Light?

Because to share it with the wrong people hurt.

For centuries lightworkers have been coming to this planet, aiming to guide, hoping to inspire.

And for centuries they’ve been killing us for it.

Whether Nailing us to a cross, Locking us away in darkness like Nelson Mandella, or burning us at the stake like the last entire generation of witches – the darkness has gone to a lot of effort to ensure we never come to light.

And so once upon a time, en masse, we hid.

We hid because they were physically stronger, because we realised our human bodies were fragile so we would have to learn to speak their language to guide them back to the light.

As humans we discovered that there was safety in numbers and whoever had the greater numbers was most likely to succeed.

When they were at their strongest was when communication between the light was at its most difficult. It once took many years for a message to spread on earth and in that time the armies with the biggest numbers could...

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We Are The Lightworkers - Welcome

I am starting this site before I feel ready, and yet as with all good missions, I've always known I'm ready now.

Now is not just the perfect time, it is the only time this was possible.

I'm starting this as I begin the upward ascension of my journey, and I'm doing this now,  to share with you and to give you maybe inspiration or hope not just for the future, but also how to deal with this current moment YOU are going through.

I'm hopefully this may possibly also act as a guide for how to allow this journey to be even more exciting, even more liberating and hopefully a little easier for you, because if you are here, then you have just come through the first steps. It may have taken you a short while, it may have taken you years.

Think of this stage as a butterfly in the final stages of emerging from a cocoon. It is done with the hibernation, it is done with the change, it is at a point now where it is aware that it has had a cocoon.

It is a butterfly, fully formed, pushing...

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Two Step

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