What If

What if?

The filter of our thinking changes everything about the reality we experience.

If we look through a lens of fear, then we see all things as danger. If we look through a lens of love, than all things are tools to help others.

The perspective of our questions also changes everything about how we answer.

Here are some different perspectives I have considered when filtering my downloads for sharing….

Remember – as with all things on this and any other site, these are not Truths to be accepted, simply perspectives to consider. If they help to increase choice and lead you closer to your own connection to source then please enjoy with my love. If they cause you conflict or concern that takes you down a path of fear, then please dismiss them as the rave rantings of a loony. This is Your journey, own the responsibility of your own curiosity.

"What if"….

"What if" we are descendants of a race of light beings who are purely Feminine in nature and who created Earth...

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